Almost everyone in the UK is trying to cut all household bills, while daily we hear of increases.
Kitkat, Unilever and Primark are the latest of to say they have no choice but to put prices up again. The ONS says that grocery prices are increasing by 6% year on year.
But we should not just accept the increases. It takes time to save money, but it is definitely worth it.
Remember Tesco made £2.2 billion last year and predicts it will increase profits to £2.4 billion to £2.6 billion. Sainsbury also doubled profits.
Lidl and Aldi say they are cutting prices for hundreds of items by as much as 13 per cent, but we all have to be careful that other prices are not increased to pay for the reductions.
Pound stores are not always cheap. They may sell you a smaller quantity or a product about to expire to get the prices down.
As a starting point avoid the groceries at eye level in the stores and at aisle ends. These are the foods and cleaning products that the stores make the biggest margin on.
You may buy the market-leading mayonnaise, ketchup and baked beans. But do you know what the bargain brands taste like? Would your children know the difference?
There is evidence from Kantar and other researchers that we are giving the premium ranges of groceries a swerve and are looking out for yellow stickers on food that is on its best before day.
We all need to watch the prices and refuse to buy at inflated prices. Tissues that two months ago were £3 are now £4.75 in my usual supermarket. Kitchen roll that last month was £6 for four rolls is now £7. Watch the prices. Try the unbranded versions.
Too often supermarkets operate yo-yo pricing up for four weeks and down for two, for example. Morrisons and Asda have cut prices on hundreds of prices, but check before you buy that it is a saving. Too often there are six sizes of ketchup or washing detergent. In the old days the largest used to be best value. That is absolutely not the case anymore. Take time to check which is cheapest per capsule or fl oz.
We need to get smarter than the supermarkets.
Plan meals and make a shopping list. Stick to it, and keep the till receipt for future reference, but most importantly make sure fresh foods are used or frozen before they spoil.
In addition, hundreds of thousands of people are cancelling streaming services and making sure they get value from any that they keep.
Finally turn off electrical equipment that uses electricity when you are not using it. Televisions, chargers, microwaves and other kit cost us but nothing like the £147 a year that British Gas claims as it attempts to blame us for our rising energy costs.