Get Money Fight Club Fit!

[av_dropcap1]O[/av_dropcap1]pen up your paper or turn on the news on any given day and somewhere between the latest celebrity indiscretion and the football scores you’ll invariably find a financial scandal of one type or another. It will involve a company you have a relationship with or, at the very least, have definitely heard of. It will be a brand name you recognize, a mainstream financial sector, such as banking – or an essential, such as heating or food. It will involve smartly dressed, well- heeled people who’ve apparently engaged in a degree of monetary shenanigans that a cowboy builder might […]

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Why you need Money Fight Club

Whether it’s dubious supermarket deals or failing banks, the modern high street is full of financial bullies who grab our cash and give us poor deals in return. If anything, the 21st century presents us with an even greater likelihood of getting financially beaten up. And while we may have our guard up against obvious cons – such as emails from deposed potentates offering us huge sums in exchange for temporary use of our bank accounts – we assume well-known brands and high street names operate very differently. Forget that! Every single organisation with something to sell is after our […]

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